Protect your rights with a Houston truck accident attorney.

As one of the leading commercial trucking hubs in the United States, 18-wheelers are a common sight in Houston, TX. There are extensive regulations in place on the trucks, but the company’s only concern: the bottom line.

When they cut corners, drivers like you pay the price.  The Truck Accident Injury Lawyers at AP Law Group will help you fight big trucking companies so that you get maximum compensation for your injuries and property. Don’t let big trucking companies take advantage of you.

Call AP Law Group today!

We Fight Big Trucking CompaniesSemi-Truck Accident Lawyers

18 Wheeler Accident Injury Attorneys

As Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys, we understand that accidents happen. With so many commercial trucks out on the road, even the most vigilant drivers can fall victim to someone else’s negligence. The worst part of it is that these accidents have the potential for tragic severity. 

The Truth About 18 Wheelers


Oftentimes, commercial drivers want to get their cargo to its destination as fast as possible. While there are systems in place to ensure they rest, drivers also focus on their pay. These payment systems increase the odds of erratic, exhausted driving. In turn, the chances of a commercial accident go up. This leaves the average driver at risk. 

Commercial drivers have the protection of their massive vehicles as well as the companies they work for. Unfortunately, these accidents are quite severe for the other drivers involved. At AP Law Group, our Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys hold the liable accountable to ensure you have what you need to move on after a truck accident. 

Call us today for a free consultation. Let us show you that we are the advocate you deserve, with an aggressive strategy personalized to your case. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do after an 18-wheeler Truck Accident?

A truck accident may cause serious injuries, which leave casualties in pain, seeking medical assistance; if you manage to stay alive with minor injuries. There are legal procedures that the culprits must follow. Suppose you can assess the condition of everyone involved in the accident or call for an ambulance if you can’t move. These steps will help you handle the accident aftermath properly.

Call the Police

No matter how minor the accident may seem, it is essential to inform the police to have accurate documentation of the scene. The law ensures you get emergency services with immediate effect. Answer all the questions so they can dispatch enough personnel to the scene. At this point, you might call a truck accident lawyer to help you with the legal procedures.

Seek Medical Attention

Don’t assume the extend of the injuries; get medical help for everyone involved in the accident. It’s the only way to determine whether everyone is safe since some may suffer internal injuries which can’t show right away. Law firms assist you through the process; a Houston truck accident attorney is a better choice. They ensure you keep medical records in case of future medical complications resulting from the accident. A full checkup is essential even if the emergency team had examined you.

Ensure Evidence is Documented by a Truck Accident Lawyer

Take photos of the scene since it may point to the accident’s cause or if the weather contributed to the accident occurring. Don’t leave anything to chance and get the necessary information of all parties involved in the accident. Contact Houston truck accident attorney to help you get all the details if you can’t.

Ensure you Have the Following Information

  • Drivers name, address, phone number, and email address
  • Insurance company and policy number of the other company
  • The other driver’s license number
  • Name and contact of the driver, employer, and the company
  • Truck license plate number and other important information

Record Witness Contact Information

Witnesses are the people who saw the accident unfold; it could be a bystander, or an involved party, or vehicles not involved. Though it’s not your responsibility when the accident is severe, the police may get absorbed in emergency cases and not find time to interview the witnesses who might have important information. Since tracking them is hard, get a truck accident lawyer who will record their details.

Be Careful with Your Words

However much you might be tempted to speak your mind, it’s essential to restrain yourself at this point. Keep cool since words said while frustrated might hurt the case, and you lose much. Houston truck accident attorney advises you to be entirely on the issue and neither accept nor deny the accident’s responsibility. Accidents are complex, and there are many factors that the lawyer may identify to free you the accident liability. Leave the Houston truck accident attorney to carry out their work without your interference.

Call for a Lawyer

For anyone involved in a truck accident, calling an attorney helps in legal proceedings. It is hard to follow all the processes, especially if assisting a loved one involved in an accident. Having a lawyer ensures they work through the tedious insurance and legal process on your behalf. Seeking the services of a Houston truck accident attorney will ensure you’re well-compensated to cover medical bills and damages on your vehicle. Truck accidents are problematic since they involve multiple parties and several federal regulations that may be hard for a layperson to comprehend. When it becomes hard let a lawyer handle the situation.

How do I maximize compensation in a truck accident lawsuit?

Truck accidents are tragic when they happen as they weigh thirty times more than other vehicles. The accident victims not only incur severe injuries or death, but they also stay for months without a paycheck and suffer expensive medical treatments.

Apart from one’s deteriorating health, one suffers massive financial losses. Even though you can hold the truck company liable for your injuries and compensation to get maximum compensation after a truck accident, there are ways to make your lawsuit strong as possible.

Step To Take After a Truck Accident

After a truck accident, there are simple steps to take immediately after the accident and during recovery of the accident to strengthen your compensation claims. Here is what to do:

1. Seek Medical Attention

The first thing to consider after a truck accident is getting medical treatment. If you suffer severe injuries or believe you were not injured, you should get checked by a doctor. Internal bleeding, traumatic brain, and neck injuries take days to develop to the point of concern.

Seeking medical attention immediately after the accident, you file a concern about your health and being injured, which is one way to maximize your compensation claim. Moreover, you can obtain treatment for unnoticed injuries before they become life-threatening.

2. Call the Police

Call the police at the accident scene and get a copy of their report. The police information is useful as it contains information of the truck accident, eyewitnesses, a description of what happened, and their final remarks on the crash. The police report will help a Houston truck accident attorney when they file compensation claims with an insurance company.

3. Acquire Contact Information

Do not assume the police will gather enough information from the accident scene, including the truck driver and eyewitnesses’ contact information. Get the trucker’s contact information, their insurance company, their employer, eyewitnesses, and anyone else involved in the truck accident. The detail will be useful to your truck accident lawyer when gathering evidence to file a lawsuit against the trucker company.

4. Acquire an Attorney

To ensure you acquire maximum compensation for your injuries, hiring a truck accident lawyer is the first step to take before thinking of filing claims against the trucker company. Get an experienced Houston truck accident attorney to investigate the cause of your accident, ensure you do not make mistakes in the lawsuit, negotiate your financial benefits, and provide you acquire maximum compensation for your injuries.

5. Take Pictures

To build detailed evidence from the accident scene, take enough pictures and videos of the scene, the road, and weather conditions. Traffic signs, your injuries, car and truck damage, and capture anything else you believe will help you prove the truck driver’s negligence.

6. Keep Records of Lost Wages and Medical Bills

Copies of your medical records and wage loss will help your Truck accident lawyer prove your right to compensation and determine your lawsuit’s value during negotiations. Gather records of those documents immediately after the truck accident.

7. Inform Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company to let them know of your accident even if you do not intend to file a claim with them. It is a way to secure your rights to file a claim later. For instance, if you file a claim with your insurance company, you will have your vehicle repaired earlier than waiting for a Houston truck accident attorney to determine your claims’ fate with the trucker company.

When involved in a truck accident, it is your belief you will acquire compensation for your injuries. On many occasions, getting maximum compensation is next to impossible. The trucker companies have highly skilled lawyers to defend them in the lawsuit that you end up acquiring financial benefits that do not cater to your expensive medical bills and other losses. Working with a Houston truck accident attorney is the best idea as they have records of successful truck accident cases that led to maximum compensation for their clients.

What compensation is available to trucking accident injury victims?

Did you or any of your friends or family members get into a road accident involving a large truck? Was anybody seriously injured, or was there loss of life in the accident? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be liable for legal compensation. Although financial compensation will not cover the emotional and psychological damage, it goes a long way in clearing hospital bills and sustaining your family as you recover.

How Do you Receive Compensation as a Victim of a Truck Accident?

Reporting an accident involving a large truck is not enough evidence for an insurance company to give you compensation. This means that you will need to gather enough evidence and take several steps before receiving the money. However, when you work with a dedicated and experienced Houston truck accident attorney, they will speed up the legal process and provide you with the peace of mind that you will need as you recover.

The attorney will need to give valid points that show that you qualify for legal compensation. For example, they will need to show that the truck driver breached their duty of care towards the victim by failing to drive carefully on the road. The truck accident lawyer also needs to prove that this breach of duty resulted in an accident that caused injury or death.

Types of Compensation you can Receive as a Victim of Truck Accident

After your Houston truck accident attorney proves that the truck driver was negligent in his duties, you can then discuss the types of compensations you could receive. However, the type of compensation depends on several factors:

  • The severity of injuries: You will receive higher compensation when severe injuries
  • How much the injuries limit your everyday duties
  • What the insurance policy covers
  • The cause of the accident can discuss how much money you can expect to receive if your claim goes through with your truck accident lawyer

Types of Compensations

1. Medical Bills

Accidents involving large trucks can cause severe injuries that might cause permanent physical damages. Some of these injuries include amputations, brain injuries, or spinal code damages. The severe the injuries, the more you expect to spend on medical bills. 

If your Houston truck accident attorney proves that the truck driver was responsible for the accident, the truck driver’s insurance company will cater to your medical bills. With your attorney’s help, you should save important medical documents that you will present to the insurance company. These documents include ambulance transport, therapy bills, medical equipment such as wheelchairs, and private and nursing care bills.

2. Pain and Suffering

This type of compensation takes up a huge percentage of the settlement claims. Although physical injuries fall into this category, pain and suffering can include other factors such as emotional and psychological damages. Other concepts included in the pain and suffering category include:

  • How much is the accident limiting you in participating in activities that you normally enjoy?
  • Whether the accident caused embarrassment and physical suffering

Note, certain events will increase the amount of money you receive on pain and suffering claims. However, it would help if you discussed with your truck accident lawyer how the accident caused the pain and suffering.

3. Lost Earning Potential

Some truck accidents cause permanent physical damage that prevents you from returning to work. These damages might include paralysis or amputations, which inhibit you from doing manual jobs. Brain damages can also result in losing your current job or securing other future jobs. The scenarios named above give you the right to claim for lost earning potential compensation.

Consult with a Legal Attorney

The amount of compensation you are entitled after a truck accident is difficult to calculate without a truck accident lawyer. With a good attorney, you will receive a fair compensation package, and sometimes the Houston truck accident attorney can fight for a higher compensation amount.

Why is an early investigation after a truck accident so important?

Truck accidents are among the most dangerous scenarios, causing a significant risk to other road users. They are among the most common types of accidents in numerous states, according to the latest studies. It is impossible to focus when you or your loved one incurs severe injuries from a truck accident. Hire a Houston truck accident attorney familiar with truck-related accidents to help you understand how to handle the stress involved.

How the Injured can Benefit from the Investigations

Every victim in a truck accident is eager to understand what happened because one feels obliged to ascertain that someone’s negligence caused the incident. Lack of evidence causes your insurance company to ignore your compensation claims. Similarly, the insurer may try to convince you to settle for a lesser compensation than the value you deserve.

If you get a compensation offer immediately after the accident, chances are, it is lower than what you deserve. Hire a truck accident lawyer to protect your interest. The attorney can get all the necessary evidence to prove that the other party was at fault. That way, you get fair compensation from your insurance company. Here are clarifications why early investigations are critical after a truck accident.

A Victim Understands What Transpired

A truck accident lawyer investigates the accident scene to expose events that led to the incident. The attorney gathers evidence in various ways. They include getting eyewitness’ statements, taking photos and videos, reading the police report, and reviewing electronic data records.

The lawyer may work with an accident reconstruction agent to determine how the incident happened. The investigation reveals who was at fault, making it easy to claim compensation.

Reduces Chances of Evidence Distortion

Getting evidence after a truck accident is one of the most critical things. Your Houston truck accident attorney looks for information such as the wreckage, driver’s details, and maintenance records, to mention a few.

What the lawyer does with the evidence

The lawyer informs the relevant authority to safeguard the scene from anything that can distort the evidence. Without such precautions, third parties may interfere with the scene by moving the wreckage for disposal, which may destroy the proof.

Proof from the Investigation is what you Need to Challenge the Trucking Company

Trucking companies have proper strategies and facilities to investigate an accident promptly. Your chances to challenge such organizations are futile if you do not have representation to gather evidence after a truck accident. If your Houston truck accident attorney can collect decisive evidence, you stand better chances to earn a worthy compensation. That way, your legal team can challenge any unfair judgment from your insurance company.

Investigations Reveal the Details About the Truck Driver at Fault

Besides showing who was at fault, information such as the company they work for is critical when pursuing compensation. Your truck accident lawyer is likely to dig deeper to gather as much information as possible to build a convincing claim. That way, the history of the company comes up. If there are other incidents in the past, the compensation process gets better.

Investigations Bring Equality

Without proper evidence, a truck accident victim is at the mercy of the trucking company and the insurance institution. However, the two may make an unfair judgment regarding your compensation. A reputable Houston truck accident attorney can conduct investigations to level the playing ground for justice to prevail. With evidence from photos taken, police report, and eyewitnesses, the trucking company and the insurer have no room to twist the law.

You deserve proper compensation after suffering injuries from a truck accident. With hefty medical bills, you need a worthy package from your insuring institution and the trucking company. Your future is a chief concern, and the compensation you get is a determining factor.

Why hire a Houston truck accident lawyer?

Commercial transportation is the backbone that drives our economy, which has increased thanks to industrialization. Trucks are increasing daily on our roads and are prone to accidents like any other vehicle. An accident caused by a truck is severe compared to other vehicles due to its size. Most people don’t survive accidents, while others are left battling for their lives. When you or a loved one is involved in such an accident, it’s essential to include a truck accident lawyer to assist you with the legal proceedings.

Casualties have more at stake and need help to get through the ordeal. It’s not just recovery; several issues need to be addressed. As a result of the accident, casualties end up with complex health conditions such as bone fractures, spinal cord injuries, amputations, psychological disorders, and death. Having a Houston truck accident attorney will ensure your compensation covers all the damage caused. An attorney gets evidence and other important information from the accident scene to help you win the case.

A Houston truck accident attorney ensures they serve you before they ask for compensation by ensuring your wellbeing. Since there are many federal regulations that you don’t understand, it’s always advisable to leave the case to professionals. A truck accident lawyer ensures you get a fair ruling, and if you are responsible for the accident, they may have a few tricks to help you get acquitted.

Why a Truck Accident May Occur

There are several contributing factors to a truck accident: human-made and avoidable, while others cause nature. Once on the road, one should be physically fit and ensure the weather is favorable for driving. Below are few factors that cause truck accidents, according to findings.

1. Poor Weather Conditions

The weather is a contributing factor to some truck accidents. Heavy rains make the road slippery, which makes it hard for drivers to control the trucks. A foggy road blurs drivers’ vision; hence they can’t see an oncoming vehicle.

2. Driver’s Fatigue

Truck drivers cover a long distance and get tired behind the wheel; they may not focus on the road, which is dangerous.

3. Speeding to Meet Deadline

According to a Houston truck accident attorney, the pressure to meet deadlines forces drivers to drive at high speed. Over speeding can lead to severe accidents that are avoidable if only drivers are careful.

4. Improper Maintenance and Inspection

Before a truck gets on the road, it should be thoroughly checked by mechanics to ensure its roadworthiness and ensure faulty parts are repaired or replaced.

5. Failure to Signal other Road Users

A driver who carelessly changes lanes without alerting other road users causes catastrophic accidents, especially when driving at high speed.

Why a Truck Accident Lawyer is Important

Truck accidents are serious, and it’s complicated to pursue compensation after an accident has occurred. Conduct a Houston truck accident attorney to assist you through several procedures, such as:

1. Determine Liability

Truck accidents involve multiple parties; it’s difficult to determine the cause and who is liable for the accidents. A lawyer ensures they work diligently to come up with clear findings.

2. Uncover Evidence

They are familiar with evidence discovery and might use it to get records that will acquit you.

3. Communicate with Insurance Companies

Insurance adjusters use different tactics to minimize the amount covered; hence a truck accident lawyer will assist you in getting compensated by examining all details.

4. Give Competent Legal Guidance

A lawyer will guide you through the legal process of your claim. Most truck accidents are complex; ensure due process by protecting your rights.

Are truck accidents valued differently than a car-to-car wreck?

Unlike car crashes, truck accidents are likely to be fatal and cause severe injuries to casualties. Legal procedures are complex since they include federal regulations and competing insurance companies for the different parties. Contact a truck accident lawyer to advise you accordingly or let them handle the case since they are familiar with court proceedings and federal truck rules. The truck size contributes to the severe damage when involved in an accident with a car.

Usually, trucks have longer stopping distances, larger blind spots, wide radius, and decreased agility and response. Since trucks spend more time on the road and are heavier than cars, they frequently maintain and service them. A Houston truck accident attorney will advise you whether a truck met regulations before hitting the road. 

Parts like brakes are prone to wear and tear due to prolonged time on the road. Few trucking companies mind their driver’s condition on the road to hire a co-driver; thus, they drive tired and are prone to accidents.

Why Injury Claims for Truck Accident Differ from Car to Car

Although a truck is enormous compared to a car, the laws governing compensation claims also differ due to the following factors.

1. Truck Claims Involve Multiple Parties

While a car accident involves at least two vehicles with one at fault, truck accidents involve multiple. Several parties are concerned with separate insurance companies; hence it’s essential to contact a truck accident lawyer since they understand the legal procedures. Parties involved include truck driver, parent Truck Company, loading company, among others.

2. More Rules and Regulations are Involved

Aside from road rules, truck drivers follow federal truck regulations, requiring additional requirements. However, identifying violations might be difficult; a lawyer ensures compensation after proving the driver’s fault. A Houston truck accident attorney will ensure you understand the regulations if you’re not familiar with them.

3. They Cause Lifetime Damages

One can suffer severe injuries by getting involved in truck accidents, leaving them in severe pain and suffering. Some injuries include spinal injury, traumatic brain injuries, and pain; a truck accident lawyer ensures you’re compensated for your loss and medical bills covered.

Determiners to Value your Compensation Claim for Truck Accidents

Trucks cause severe damages when involved in an accident, and several factors determine the value of compensation claims. These cases are complex; hence, it’s always wise to include Houston truck accident attorney professionals to handle legal proceedings such as:

Assess the Damages

There are severe damages when a truck gets in an accident, categorized into the following groups.

  • Property Damage: due to the difference in weight between a car and a truck, a car may be wrecked by a truck while it sustains minor damage; hence a professional body shop will estimate the repair cost.
  • Medical Expenses: a truck accident lawyer will access medical records to determine the extent of damage to your health.
  • Loss of Income: One may encounter loss of income following accident damage to you or the property. Severe injuries may leave one disabled to return to work affecting their source of livelihood. A Houston truck accident attorney ensures the inclusion of future medical complications in your health.
  • Pain and Suffering: Though it’s hard to determine the value of one’s pain, casualties should be compensated for the pain and suffering sustained.

Time Limit to File a Claim

Truck claims have a time limit; thus, file your lawsuit within the stated time to be taken into consideration. Houston truck accident attorney will help you file if you sustained severe injuries and can’t do it yourself.

What is a Quick Response Team for commercial truck collisions?

A truck accident is among the worst incidents you can experience. It causes severe injuries, even leading to lifetime disabilities. Prioritize your health by seeking medical care immediately after a truck accident. If negligent, a truck driver is likely to face legal actions and pay for any damages involved, such as injuries, suffering, lost wages, to mention a few. However, having evidence is critical for justice to prevail. Whenever such incidences happen, most trucking companies turn to their quick response teams for help.

A Background Check on What a Quick Response Team is

A quick response team defines experts with skills to handle numerous issues related to truck accidents. Many trucking companies have their response teams on standby. The primary objective is to settle truck accident claims with significant minimal exposure. Each truck company controls the information that is critical during an accident. Your Houston truck accident attorney needs access to the electronic data indicating details about the accident. Act promptly to obtain all the necessary information before it is too late.

How the Team Works

Any quick response team constitutes several professionals who swiftly gather evidence. Your Houston truck accident attorney may appeal to the trucking company for specific information. It is prudent that the attorney files a legal request to save time and prevent distortion of data.

In some instances, an accident reconstruction expert investigates who was at fault and how the crash happened. Your Houston truck accident attorney may request video and photo evidence showing how the accident took place. Such and more data is critical to build a strong case and protect your compensation privileges.

The Compensation Journey

Your truck accident lawyer coordinates with the involved insurance institution to reach a compensation agreement. Your future and current medical care are the priority goals, considering that you may not work again. Therefore, lost wages, medical bills, and disabilities are some of the issues that demand compensation.

What to Expect from a Rapid Response Team after an Accident

The first few hours after a truck accident are critical, as this is when you collect data and gather evidence. Most of the time, the truck drivers get minor or no injuries, thanks to the weight and large size of these trucks. However, drivers with smaller cars are vulnerable to severe injuries or death.

According to the latest statistics, over 80% of deaths from commercial truck accidents do not involve truck occupants. That way, the trucker has a higher chance of reaching their company, unlike the occupants of smaller vehicles, whenever an accident occurs. The organization then contacts its truck accident lawyer or its rapid response team before any exposure.

What the Team do to Minimize Exposure

With minimal exposure, it may be hard to prove who was at fault when a truck accident occurs. The rapid response team distorts the evidence by moving wreckages from where the incident took place.

Why Trucking Companies need a Quick Response Team

Aspects such as bad weather and heavy traffic can destroy skid marks, fluid spills, and debris, which serve as physical proof. The company’s truck accident lawyer may deploy a quick response team to gather this evidence promptly.

The quick response team, constituting accident reconstruction experts, investigators, and defense attorneys, are responsible for collecting evidence. They speak to witnesses, take photos, and review the event’s data recording system to gather information.

Why you Need an Attorney for a Truck Related Accident

Getting a knowledgeable Houston truck accident attorney with experience in handling truck accidents is judicious. Your lawyer preserves proof from the scene, gathers information from onlookers to earn you compensation from your insurance company. To secure your reimbursement rights, contact your attorney in time before the evidence gets distorted.

Can all Personal Injury Attorneys handle 18 Wheeler accidents?

Every traffic accident has the potential to cause prominent vehicle damage and serious physical injuries. However, a Houston truck accident attorney urges prospective clients to realize mishaps involving trucks can be the most major of all.

How Significant A Problem Are Truck Accidents

According to statistics accumulated by the Texas Department of Transportation, the state’s highways are the site of more than 300 said crashes and in excess of 2,000 personal injuries each year. Moreover, truck mishaps are to blame for slightly more than one percent of all deaths occurring for every 100 million miles traveled.

Furthermore, a Houston truck accident attorney wishes to highlight the fact that 13 percent of all trucking incidents occurring in the United States happen in Texas.

Why Is The Problem So Pronounced?

Traffic safety experts and a Houston truck accident attorney maintain that truck mishaps occur frequently and are often serious in nature for several key reasons including:


Obviously, a truck’s size makes said transportation craft formidable. Ergo, when trucks collide with cars or other travel vessels, they are liable to inflict significant damage to the smaller vehicle.

Additionally, a truck’s size renders said craft more difficult and time-consuming to turn and perform other maneuvers like lane merging.


A truck’s cab is much higher off the ground than a vehicle’s driver seat. This issue often limits a truck operator’s capacity to readily view both oncoming and rear traffic. Therefore, truckers might not always see motorists turning or merging through their peripheral vision.


Trucks often haul various types of cargo. These materials are typically weighty. This added volume could render the vehicle more challenging to operate.

Additionally, cargo can be hazardous. Occasionally, trucks transport flammable items, chemicals, and other potentially dangerous objects. Should such products be jarred loose during a collision, major injury or death-inducing fires or chemical spills are possible.

Faulty Maintenance

Sometimes, in the interest of saving time and money, trucking companies could be lax in adhering to proper maintenance schedules.

Limited Braking Capacity

Larger crafts take more time to slow down than smaller vehicles like cars. A truck’s ability to stop short is challenging in optimal conditions and close to impossible in inclement weather or when roadway hazards are present.

Why Retain The Services Of An Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer?

Motorists sustaining significant, potentially permanent injuries they believe resulted from a truck operator or establishment’s negligence might be entitled to compensation.

Under Texas legal code, compensation in personal injury cases like truck incidents is decided in accordance with a civil principle known as modified comparative negligence.

This enables plaintiffs to collect financial rewards for associated damages provided a judge or jury rules they were no more than 50 percent to blame for causing said event.

While any personal injury attorney might be able to help a client in such cases, a truck accident lawyer could increase their chances for winning greater compensation for the following key reasons:

Knowledge Of Trucking Laws And Regulations

A truck accident lawyer typically possesses firm knowledge of federal, state, and municipal trucking regulations and could expose operators or companies not abiding by mandates governing issues, such as acceptable driving weight, cargo safety, and the number of hours truckers should be in operation to avoid fatigue.

Pinpointing Liability Is Challenging

Identifying guilty parties in truck accidents could prove difficult. Fault may be shared by several entities, including the operator, the company employing said subject, the designers or manufacturers of various trucking components, or the makers or distributors of the vehicle’s cargo.

A truck accident lawyer will understand the complications associated with such proceedings and know how to navigate around them.

Reaching Out To Us

The AP Law Group employs a Houston truck accident attorney with extensive knowledge of federal and Texas trucking laws and a plethora of experience handling accident cases. Motorists involved in truck collisions are implored to contact as. 

What is the Cost of a Houston Truck Accident Lawyer?

The Human Costs of Big Rig Accidents

In January of 1983 a northbound 18-wheeler on I-95 in Stratford, Conn., smashed into a line of cars waiting at a toll plaza. The ensuing explosion left six people incinerated, burned beyond recognition, another who died the next day at a hospital and several others injured. The losses of that tragic day triggered the complete removal of toll booths across the state.

There was talk that the truck brakes may have failed. Others said the driver was traveling much too fast as he approached the toll plaza. In the end, the investigation determined the driver fell asleep at the wheel shortly before the crash. Whatever the reasons for a big truck crash, the sheer size and weight of such vehicles almost ensures a tragedy. And if you or a loved one are a victim, you need a good truck accident lawyer behind you. 

A Houston truck accident attorney from AP Law Group will work with police, medical professionals, accident reconstructionists, specialists in the trucking industry, and others to win you maximum compensation.

What Are the Main Causes of Big Truck Accidents?

As the most populous city in Texas, Houston has its own fair share of big rig accidents, and often it takes time to determine the exact cause.

Defective brakes, tire blowouts, jackknifing, and various other equipment failures or poor maintenance are often the culprit. Speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs are also common. In some cases, a driver may feel pressured to get a shipment to its destination more quickly and will continue to drive when he really needs to stop and sleep. He may ignore the special safety rules and regulations he’s supposed to follow.

When you engage a Houston truck accident attorney from AP Law Group, we’ll get to the bottom of the issue, build the strongest case possible and hold the negligent driver and commercial trucking company responsible.

Injuries Caused by Truck Wrecks

Car to car collisions are bad enough, but when a big rig collides with a car or passenger truck, the results are often far more severe and sometimes even fatal. Spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries are not uncommon, nor are severe fractures and broken and shattered bones. A victim may suffer loss of limbs. 

Medical expenses for surgeries, rehabilitation, or life-long care can be astronomical, and the loss of income and opportunity plus property damage only drives the costs higher. Big commercial companies facing such penalties will mount a heavy defense.

You probably don’t need a lawyer for an ordinary car to car fender-bender, but a wreck involving a big truck is a whole different situation that absolutely requires an experienced truck accident lawyer like those you’ll find at AP Law Group. 

Insurance companies facing down a huge claim will do everything they can to minimize their losses and they won’t stop at trying to take advantage of victims who might not be knowledgeable about the litigation process. If you’re the victim in such a wreck, you need to call a Houston truck accident attorney at AP Law Group as soon as possible. From there on out, insurance companies will deal with us.

How Much Are Houston Truck Accident Attorney Fees?

If you’ve been involved in an accident, your medical costs may be substantial, and your subsequent loss of income won’t help. What’s more, the investigation, negotiation, and litigation process may take considerable time. But because each truck accident situation is different, it would be impossible to say what the total bill for a truck accident lawyer would amount to. 

At AP Law Group we understand these challenges and we structure our fees so that if we don’t win, you don’t pay. Under this contingency, we’ll receive a percentage of your award after you’ve received your settlement.

How much are settlements for commercial truck wrecks?

Why Truck Wrecks Are Especially Dangerous

We see it on television or hear it on the radio all the time. A tractor-trailer has jackknifed or flipped over or was forced to turn onto a runaway ramp to avoid colliding with other vehicles. These are the not-so-bad accidents, the ones where no one gets seriously hurt. They just cause a snarl in traffic for several hours. 

They get our attention because of the immense size and weight of the trucks and the common knowledge that had another vehicle been in the wrong place at the wrong time, it wouldn’t be just an inconvenience. Someone might have ended up seriously injured. Someone might have been killed.

If you or a loved one are ever in a wreck with a large truck or big rig, you may be dealing with serious losses. And you’ll need a serious truck accident lawyer to represent you. When you call a Houston truck accident attorney with AP Law Group, we’ll provide you with a free consultation and explain what we’ll do to help you get the maximum compensation you deserve.

Why Truck Accidents Are More Complicated

Operating a big rig or other large truck is not the same as operating an ordinary passenger car or truck. The trucking industry is heavily regulated by state and local government and there are many safety rules and regulations that drivers and the companies they work for must follow. 

In addition, depending on the circumstances of the case, there may be multiple parties responsible, including the driver, the firm the driver works for, and even possibly the Texas Department of Transportation if it is determined the State has liability under the highway defect statute. You may get only one chance to present a strong case. 

Having an experienced truck accident lawyer from AP Law Group to thoroughly investigate your accident and handle the details can make all the difference in the world.

Why You Need a Houston Truck Accident Attorney from AP Law Group

Because of the very real possibility of a sizeable claim, large trucking companies routinely have a staff of hard-hitting attorneys ready to push back at a moment’s notice. For that reason alone, you’ll need the even harder-hitting team from AP Law Group to handle them. Their insurance carrier and the lawyers themselves may try to intimidate you and minimize your claim, but they won’t succeed with a Houston truck accident attorney from AP Law Group.

What Kind of Settlement Can I Expect for a Commercial Truck Wreck?

Every case is different with a variety of parameters, so it would be impossible to pinpoint exactly how much you should expect to receive in a settlement. That being said, a Houston truck accident attorney with AP Law Group won’t just assemble a case for you. An attorney with our firm will put together an arsenal.

You may be entitled to medical expenses, lost wages as well as damages for losses of your future earning capacity. Damage to your vehicle will also need to be considered. Then there are the less tangible losses such as your diminished quality of life, pain and suffering, and mental anguish. 

An experienced truck accident lawyer with AP Law Group may also claim loss of consortium. This is the lost benefits that a spouse would have expected to receive from the relationship such as income, companionship, cooperation, affection, and sexual relations. Lastly, there may be punitive damages awarded if it can be proven the defendant participated in gross negligence, such as driving under the influence or fleeing the scene.

If you or a loved one were the victim in a truck wreck, don’t delay. Protect your rights by calling AP Law Group in Houston today.

Why do truck accident lawyers look for dangerous equipment on big rigs?

Why Do Commercial Carriers Have to Follow Special Safety Regulations?

Every person that operates a motor vehicle on our roads and highways must drive responsibly and make sure their vehicle is in proper working order. It’s not just the law. It’s common sense. No one wants to be injured in an accident, and no one wants to be responsible for one either.

Because of the larger size and weight of commercial trucks and buses and, therefore, the greater danger they pose, operators and carriers have an even greater responsibility to protect their fellow drivers on the road. 

For this reason, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulates commercial carrier operations and requires that all drivers, carriers, officers, agents, representatives, and employees directly involved with the operation, inspection, or maintenance of such commercial vehicles understand and comply with FMCSA regulations.

What Kinds of Equipment Failures Cause Big Rig Accidents?

According to the FMCSA’s Large Truck Crash Causation Study involving 967 truck crashes, vehicle failure was a factor in just over one-third of all crashes between heavy trucks and passenger vehicles and nearly 30 percent of all truck accidents.

Sadly, many of these accidents could be avoided. According to the study, most common failures were related to the trucks’ brakes, tires, or wheels and their ability to brake efficiently. Other common causes cited included cargo shifting within trucks, steering failure, suspension failure, and trailer attachment. Any good truck accident lawyer worth his salt would want to investigate these possibilities.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident with an 18-wheeler or other big rig, it is imperative that you contact the Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys with the AP Law Group immediately. Our Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys will demand the carrier immediately release their truck for inspection, and we’ll get a court order if we have to. 

Valuable information regarding your accident can be found when we download the data from the truck’s event data recorder, and the truck accident lawyer assigned to your case will move fast before the carrier even considers tampering with or destroying such evidence.

What Information Might the Event Data Recorder Contain?

Commonly known as a black box, an event data recorder for a big rig should contain a wealth of information about the condition of the truck at the time of the accident, such as engine rpm, wheel speed, and how much effort was needed to change the truck’s direction at the speed it was traveling. The black box data should display fault codes, daily engine use as well as engine use history, and maintenance history. And more.

The data retrieved from the truck’s black box could indicate that components of the truck were not in good condition when it was put out on the road, an indicator that there may have been a lack of proper maintenance on the carrier’s part. It could also indicate neglect on a manufacturer’s part. 

Manufacturers can also be held liable if they sold unsafe component parts or systems. The Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys at the AP Law Group will investigate all these details. They may also do an independent investigation of the crash and bring in an experienced accident reconstructionist.

Contact the Houston 18-Wheeler Accident Attorneys at the AP Law Group

Dealing with the aftermath of a catastrophic motor vehicle accident can be overwhelming. There may be months of hospital time involved and months more of rehabilitation. You may be weighed down by medical bills and lost wages. If you or someone you love has been seriously injured, or worse, if someone has been killed in such an accident, don’t accept the carrier’s almost certain lowball offer. 

Instead, talk to a truck accident lawyer with the AP Law Group. We have knowledgeable and aggressive lawyers on our team that will fight to get you the full compensation you deserve.

How Houston 18-Wheeler Truck Accident Attorneys Use the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations after an Accident

Trucks and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations

Our nation depends on a robust trucking industry to efficiently move goods around the country. Many of these products are heavy loads carried by large semi-trucks and 18-wheelers, and as anyone in Houston who has ever had one of these trucks behind them on the highway knows, their sheer size can be intimidating. Because of the massive size and weight and the danger these trucks pose in the event of an accident, the trucking industry is heavily regulated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration through its Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs).

If you or a loved one has been injured by a negligent commercial truck driver and its carrier company, you need a Houston truck accident lawyer that has a firm handle on both FMCSRs and Texas law.

Why Are FMCSRs Important?

Unlike ordinary automobile drivers, commercial drivers and the carrier companies they work for must meet more stringent safety regulations. Commercial drivers are required to go through a special level of training and to obtain a commercial driver’s license. They must adhere to maximum speed limitations and should allow greater following distances. 

And no matter the delivery deadlines the carrier or customer may demand, the driver must obey the limits of on-duty hours they are permitted to drive. This helps to ensure they don’t become fatigued. Drivers must also be regularly tested for drug and alcohol abuse.

If you’ve been injured in a commercial truck accident, our Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys at the AP Law Group will investigate to determine whether they violated state law and/or the FMCSRs. They will demand to see the truck driver’s logbook as well as the truck’s Engine Control Module records which will have captured important information about the driver’s behavior and operation of the truck at the time of the accident. An experienced and aggressive truck accident lawyer from the AP Law Group won’t rest until you get the full compensation you deserve.

Does the Administration Require Other Safety Protocols?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration addresses a wide range of safety protocols regarding the trucking industry. For example, no matter how safe a driver may be, if the vehicle he is operating is in any way faulty, the public is put at risk. For this reason, FMCSRs require commercial vehicles meet specific maintenance and inspection requirements both before and after each trip.

Additionally, many commercial vehicles have their fuel tanks located outside the truck’s frame where they are more susceptible to impact. In many cases, this has resulted in an explosion. A section of the FMCSRs specifically addresses actions that must be taken for preventing the ignition of fuel.

A good truck accident lawyer needs to be well-versed in the requirements under the FMCSRs and how to investigate to determine if any of these regulations have been violated. The Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys at the AP Law Group have the necessary experience to know what to look for and the questions to ask.

The Importance of Strong Representation

Texas has much to be proud of and leads the country in many areas of the economy. Unfortunately, it also consistently leads all other states in the number of trucking accidents on its roads and highways. It’s a statistic our Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys know all too well.

Because of their size and weight alone, accidents involving commercial trucks are far more likely to result in serious injuries. Victims in such accidents may spend substantial time in the hospital requiring multiple procedures. They may be out of work for some time or even permanently. They may require long-term rehabilitation.

The Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys at the AP Law Group understand both the challenges victims face, and the responsibilities commercial carriers have to protect other drivers on the road. When you contact the AP Law Group regarding your accident, our truck accident lawyers will stand by you all the way and do all we can to make your situation whole.

What information should I have available for my consultation with a truck accident lawyer?

A firm consisting of experienced Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys caution Texas drivers that traffic mishaps between cars and trucks occur with relative frequency. Moreover, they carry the potential to cause significant property damage, in addition to serious and potentially fatal injuries.

Statistics About Accidents Between Trucks And Automobiles

As truck accident lawyers serving Houston and its surrounding areas, we know that the rate of collisions involving cars and trucks is appreciably higher than in other regions of the United States.

These statistics could be attributed to the fact that Texas covers a large area comprised of countless major highways and thoroughfares. Moreover, the state plays a vital role in the nation’s economy and therefore attracts a significant degree of truck traffic entering and exiting its borders.

The Reasons Trucks Could Be More Prone To Accidents

Our Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys stress that large trucks could be more prone to involvement in untoward traffic incidents for several reasons. First, trucks dwarf the size of most cars and other transportation crafts. Therefore, when said objects collide, the truck’s impact is likely to cause major damage.

Additionally, trucks are far more challenging to operate. Our truck accident lawyer urges motorists to be cognizant of the fact that these haulers take up a considerable percentage of roadway and often must make slow, wide turns. Executing these maneuvers is difficult and even the most experienced drivers might periodically encounter problems.

Furthermore, trucks are heavy, which renders them challenging to stop. This concern often grows even more pronounced during conditions like night driving, the presence of roadway hazards, and inclement weather.

Moreover, trucks may haul bulky or dangerous materials. Upon impact, these substances could exit the craft and pose fire and health hazards for impacted motorists.

Proving Fault

Proving fault in a truck versus automobile tangle can be a complicated process. As experienced truck accident lawyers, we would advise potential clients that Texas follows a legal concept called modified comparative negligence.

Trucks are not automatically at fault for mishaps involving automobiles. In fact, modified comparative negligence will bar plaintiffs from collecting damages in a civil case if a judge or jury rules they were more than 50 percent to blame.

Moreover, the plaintiff and the Houston 18 wheeler accident attorneys must prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the truck driver or other associated entities engaged in some negligent action, said behavior contributed to an injury-inducing incident, injuries the plaintiff incurred are due to the accident and no other existing problem, and that the compensation sought is solely related to those injuries.

This already challenging task is further complicated by the knowledge that several entities could be at fault including:

The Operator

Occasionally, truck drivers might engage in reckless behavior, such as driving under the influence, speeding, distracted and erratic driving.

Trucking Companies

To cut corners, certain company officials might hire drivers lacking the experience or skill to operate large crafts like 18-wheeled trucks. These missing attributes could precipitate untoward incidents. Furthermore, some establishments might not adhere to proper maintenance schedules.

Parts Designers And Manufacturers

Our Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys caution truck accident victims that poorly designed or manufactured truck parts could contribute to unwanted events. Those who improperly blueprint or equip trucks with damaged components could be held liable for accidents involving such crafts.

Hauled Materials

Trucks sometimes carry various hazardous materials. During collisions or when inappropriately stored or maintained, said substances could cause significant harm.

Information An Injured Plaintiff Should Provide Their Lawyer

A skilled truck accident lawyer can perform several pertinent tasks, such as gathering eyewitnesses, investigating an operator’s driving history, examining a company’s maintenance and hiring practices, interpreting medical records, and visiting the accident scene.

That said, the chances for success can significantly be increased provided a plaintiff offers their team of Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys as much vital documentation as possible. Said material includes recent medical reports, any photos or written accounts of the events, and contact information of any witnesses the plaintiff consulted with.

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation

Car and truck collisions hold the potential to cause potentially debilitating and possibly even life-altering problems for the impacted vehicle’s motorist. That said, success in civil litigation involving trucks is often convoluted, challenging, and time-consuming.

Fortunately, the adept team of Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys working for the AP Law Group might be able to help. To schedule a consultation, please contact us as soon as possible.

Where Fatal Houston Truck Accidents Take Place

Houston is a big, beautiful city with a lot to offer. It boasts the largest medical center in the nation and is tops in space exploration. Houston has some fantastic parks and trails as well. No wonder so many people have chosen to live and work in the city.

Because of its draw, Houston also has a lot of busy roads and highways and a higher-than-average amount of truck traffic. As a result, Houston carries a fair share of big rig accident statistics. In fact, Texas consistently leads the country with the highest annual number of fatal truck accidents. As the State’s largest city, Houston contributes amply to those figures.

Where Do Houston Truck Accidents Occur?

Our nation depends on the trucking industry to transport goods around the country. The massive size and weight of 18-wheelers, however, raises the stakes that a vehicular collision with one may cause serious injury to the driver and occupants of the other vehicle. Because of the increased danger, the trucking industry has a unique responsibility to protect the public by driving responsibly.

For the most part, responsible truck drivers slow their speeds on Houston’s busy city streets, practicing greater caution in harder to maneuver areas. The highest percentage of commercial truck accidents instead occur on open rural roads and highways when they are driving at greater speeds. 

One problem is that commercial drivers are often under pressure to meet deadlines and sometimes feel they need to exceed posted speed limits or skip required sleep breaks to make up time. All too often, this leads to a catastrophic outcome.

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident by a negligent big rig driver, don’t delay. Call the AP Law Group and ask to speak with one of our Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys.

Who Is Responsible for a Truck Accident?

Most truck accidents are the result of someone’s negligence, and in order for you to win your case, your truck accident lawyer needs to prove that the trucker or other parties were negligent. If the truck driver who caused the accident works for a commercial carrier, then his employer is generally responsible. 

The accident may also have been caused due to faulty truck equipment or poor maintenance. When you contact the AP Law Group, we’ll put our skilled and knowledgeable Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys on your case to investigate every angle and make sure every negligent party pays.

How Are Commercial Truck Accidents Different Than Car Accidents?

A semi-truck overturns on US-290 in Houston. A truck accident shuts down multiple lanes on the Katy Freeway. It’s easy to understand why a big rig collision is more likely to result in serious injury. The average 4,000-pound car can’t stand up against an 80,000-pound big rig.

Beyond injuries, however, cases involving commercial carriers are typically more complicated. Often they involve multiple jurisdictions. A commercial truck involved in an accident may be from another state and the carrier company from still another. In addition, the trucking industry must adhere to rules set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and that layers federal law on top of state law. 

The Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys at AP Law Group are well-versed in this law and in negotiating and litigating commercial truck cases. When you contact our firm to discuss your truck accident claim, we’ll put an experienced and aggressive truck accident lawyer on your case and in your corner.

What To Do If You’ve Been Involved in a Commercial Vehicle Accident

If you or a loved one are injured in a collision with a big rig vehicle, seek medical treatment immediately.

Then call the AP Law Group to talk to one of our able Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys. If the trucking company and/or driver are responsible for your injuries, a truck accident lawyer from the AP Law Group will leverage the experience of our firm and go toe-to-toe with their lawyers to get you the full compensation you deserve.

Texas 18-Wheeler Truck Accident Statistics

Texas’ Dependency on the Trucking Industry

The United States is nothing if not productive. In Texas, especially, we pride ourselves on our robust economy, and we count on truckers to keep it humming by moving goods throughout our state and the nation. 

That being said, the sheer numbers of 18-wheelers on Texas roads and highways coupled with their massive size and weight can create a dangerous situation for drivers of passenger vehicles that share the road with them. 

As a result, the trucking industry has a huge responsibility to both maintain and operate their vehicles in the safest manner possible.

Grim Statistics

Sadly, Texas is no stranger to 18-wheeler accidents. According to annual statistics compiled by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration(FMCSA), 4237 of the approximately 450,000 police-reported 18-wheeler accidents across the country in 2017 resulted in death. Of those 4237 fatal accidents, 566 of them occurred in Texas and resulted in 649 fatalities. 

If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident involving an 18-wheeler, call the Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys with the AP Law Group for a free consultation. Serious accidents need serious representation, and a truck accident lawyer from our firm will work to get you the compensation you deserve.

Major Causes of Truck Accidents

According to statistics from the Texas Department of Transportation, there were 6,369 commercial motor vehicle crashes in 2019 in Harris County alone. Of those crashes, 33 were fatal resulting in 36 human lives lost.

According to the FMCSA, the causes of most accidents fall into one or more of several categories, including by not limited to:

  • Brake problems
  • Speeding
  • A driver’s unfamiliarity with the road
  • Driver fatigue
  • Prescription drug use by a driver
  • Pressure from the carrier to drive through fatigue to meet delivery deadlines

Why the FMCSA Is Important

It is the primary mission of the FMCSA to prevent commercial motor vehicle-related injuries and deaths. For this reason, the Administration has established regulations for the safe operation and maintenance of commercial vehicles. Commercial carriers, drivers, and others whose work is directly related to the safe operation of commercial trucks are required to know and understand these regulations and to follow them accordingly.

Our Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys at AP Law Group are well familiar with FMCSA regulations, and if the accident that injured or took the life of your loved one was the result of non-compliance with any of them, we’ll use that information to get you the maximum possible compensation. We’ll get a court order to obtain the truck’s event data recorder (aka black box), which will contain vital crash scene information, and we’ll use it to reconstruct your accident.

A seasoned truck accident lawyer with the AP Law Group will fight the insurance company for you, so you don’t have to, and if they don’t play ball and your case goes to litigation, we’ll present a powerful argument in court on your behalf.

Why You Need the Houston 18-Wheeler Accident Attorneys at the AP Law Group

It comes as no surprise that accidents involving 18-wheelers are often catastrophic, and victims who survive such accidents can sustain serious, long-term injuries. Substantial bills, loss of income, and lasting trauma may be thrust on victims due to no fault of their own.

If you or a loved one has had their world turned upside-down as a result of an accident with an 18-wheeler, you need an experienced, smart, and aggressive truck accident lawyer in your corner. 

Our team will jump through all the hoops to investigate your accident fully, demand the truck’s black box records, and hold all responsible parties accountable. The Houston 18-wheeler accident attorneys at AP Law Group represent victims and their families throughout Texas, and if you call on us, we’ll do all we can to help you through this critical juncture in your life.

If an 18 wheeler hits me, is it the individual's responsibility or the company they drive for?

After an 18-wheeler truck accident, it’s not always easy to understand who is financially responsible. Even when it’s clear who was at fault, whether you take the claim to an individual or the company they work for is murky. Let’s take a look at some important questions. 

When Is a Company Liable for Their Drivers? 

In the legal world, we Houston truck accident attorneys refer to this as “respondeat superior.” This is a Latin phrase that means “let the superior answer,” and it’s the primary theory regarding liability. In short, it means that we hold the company responsible for a truck accident that is caused by their employee. 

The company employing the driver can be held liable for any wrongful acts that their driver commits. This applies whenever the act is committed within the scope of their employment. 

Drivers as Employees vs Independent Contractors

If you are injured in a truck accident with a commercial vehicle, it’s important for your personal injury lawyer to find out whether the driver is an independent contractor or an employee of their company. Typically, companies are not liable for the acts of independent contractors. 

While the laws vary from state to state, the emphasis is typically placed on whether they have the right to control how the work is performed. When the employer controls the result but not the process, it’s likely that the driver is an independent contractor. 

For instance, say the driver owns his own truck, buys his own gas, covers the cost of repairs, etc. The company does not withhold taxes from the driver’s pay or tell them how to operate. This means they are independent. 

What if the Driver Acted Intentionally?

Oftentimes, intentional torts do not fall to the employer. The rationale behind this is that they are acting outside of their scope of work. Their intent is toward a specific person, which is unrelated to the business overall. 

For example, if the truck driver specifically targets someone who personally wronged them (legal or otherwise), the company will likely not be held liable. 

How Do Multiple Defendants Impact Truck Accident Lawsuits?

When a Houston truck accident attorney files a lawsuit against multiple defendants, they may be held equally responsible for paying off your damages. Alternatively, they may only be responsible for damages they caused directly. 

For instance, let’s say a tired driver shares partial responsibility for an accident with the manufacturer of a faulty tire. You might sue the driver (or their employer) as well as the manufacture of the tires. 

When it’s not clear how much fault each party bears, the driver might only be required to pay a share plus whatever the negligent driver cannot afford. While taking a case to multiple defendants is possible, the drawback is that it can be more difficult to reach a settlement. 

This means your case might go to trial. 

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation

After a truck accident, you have a lot on your mind that you need to deal with. When you hire a Houston 18-wheeler truck accident attorney, you have someone on your side to hold the liable accountable. Our legal team can conduct a thorough investigation to determine liability. 

Once we understand who to hold accountable, we work in your best interest to pursue the compensation that you deserve. Call us today to schedule a free consultation and see how we can help you fight for your future. 

What should I do if I witness a commercial truck accident?

Oftentimes, we feel like we know how to react to something. However, when you witness a commercial truck accident, the event can leave you stunned. Still, as a witness, you play an essential role in someone’s life. When you see someone injured in an 18-wheeler truck accident, it’s critical that you know what to do. 

Your statement provides a very specific perspective of the event, often one that proves invaluable to law enforcement and the victims. The police, insurance companies, and victim’s attorneys will want your statement. 

What to Do if You Witness a Truck Accident

When you feel the shock that commonly follows witnessing a truck accident, you might not be aware of your role. Moreover, you might not even know how to proceed. First, safely pull over and compose yourself. It is important when checking on victims that you do not panic. 

Park your vehicle a safe distance from both the accident and traffic This will ensure that you are not in the way of oncoming traffic or emergency responders. Additionally, it keeps you safe. 

Be sure to turn on your hazard lights and maintain distance. Distance is important in particular when you feel the situation may be dangerous. For instance, if a car is on fire, you are better off staying put unless someone is in dire need. 

As Houston truck accident attorneys, we want you to understand that you are under NO legal obligation after you witness an accident. Still, it’s important to remember that your actions will have a substantial impact on someone’s life. As a witness, you help us hold the liable accountable. Moreover, you help the victims move on with their lives. 

If possible, follow the next few steps. 

Call the Police

Once you’ve pulled over, dial 911 and report the accident to emergency services. It’s important that you don’t assume someone else already called the police. Moreover, do not hesitate because you aren’t sure whether the crash was serious. All accidents have the potential to be more severe than they seem. 

When you speak with the dispatcher, explain what happened and be ready to provide your location and a description of the vehicles involved in the accident. 

Check on the Individuals Involved in the Truck Accident

If the scene is safe to move around, walk over to the vehicles as you speak with the dispatcher. It’s important to see whether anyone appears to be injured. Describe any injuries you see to the dispatcher. 

If you are a trained EMT, registered nurse, or physician, you can provide emergency care to truck accident victims. If you are not a trained medical professional or don’t have CPR or First Aid certification, do not provide care to anyone unless they are in imminent danger. 

For instance, if a victim is in a smoking vehicle that might catch fire, you can pull that person to safety. Similarly, if you see someone bleeding out, it’s okay to place towels or cloth over the wounds and add pressure. This can help to slow the bleeding. 

However, you should avoid moving any victims who are not in imminent danger. This could worsen their injuries. Instead, do whatever you can to make them as comfortable as possible until help arrives. 

Be sure to let them know that help is on the way. If they have a personal injury lawyer, you may want to call them. 

Avoid Confrontation with any of the Drivers 

As a witness, it is important that you try to avoid any confrontations with drivers or any other parties involved in the accident. If you see the drivers arguing after a truck accident, stay back and let the authorities handle the situation. Because 18-wheeler truck accidents are so dangerous, if people are able to argue safely, they are quite lucky. 

Still, some drivers are prone to anger, especially after accidents. Keeping your distance helps you avoid anyone who decides to lash out violently. 

To help the authorities and any Houston truck accident attorneys, write down license plate numbers and vehicle information. Record this for any parties involved in the accident. If possible, document the scene with your smartphone. 

When you record this information, you help victims pursue compensation should an angry driver suddenly speed away from the scene. If a truck driver decides to flee the scene of the accident, provide any information you can to the police. Let the authorities know the license, make, and model. Additionally, any pictures you take can help them identify the driver. 

All of this information helps us hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions. 

Tell the Police What You Saw

After the emergency responders and law enforcement officials arrive at the scene, their priority is the victim. Let them know that you are a witness and wait until they begin their investigation. When they ask for information, try to clearly explain what you saw happen. As you give your statement, try to stick to the facts. 

Some witnesses jump to conclusions or inadvertently assign blame to victims of truck accidents. All you have to do is be honest and objective. Simply state your observations. Here are some of the details the authorities may request. 

  • Directions the vehicles were moving
  • Estimated speed of travel
  • Whether you saw anyone run a red light or a stop sign 
  • Whether you saw anyone texting or talking n the phone 

Try to remember that you may also be called to testify in court or at a deposition. Regardless of where you appear, your role as a witness is to share your observations and the facts of what you saw. 

Help Us Hold the Liable Accountable 

As Houston truck accident attorneys, we understand just how essential a witness can be to a personal injury claim. If you observe an accident, we would ask that you do not drive away or leave the scene behind. While details may seem small to you, those tiny details can have a drastic impact on a victim’s life. 

At AP Law Group, we believe in holding the liable accountable for their actions. Whether the accident was caused by a drowsy driver or faulty mechanics, the victims in an accident deserve fair compensation to cover their medical costs and lost wages. Our truck accident lawyers strive to be advocates for them against insurance companies that care more about profit. 

With the help of witnesses like you, we help people fight for their future. 

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